Prince George's Community College

Fall 2023

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  • Homework #9 (OPTIONAL, for extra credit) is due on Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 9:00 am. Because of problems with availability of the Astronomical Almanac, this is an old assignment, using data from 2018. If you choose to work on this assignment, do as many steps as you wish. The more steps, the more credit. You may find helpful this table of Julian day numbers: Julian Days (Your Julian day should look something like 245xxxx.xxxxxx.)
    You may send me your results (PDF file or photo) by email.
  • Some links:
  • See: Physics is Phun. Next demonstration: “A Show of Fire & Ice”, December 6 and 7, 2024.
  • For a mathematics review, you may have a look at the book
    Introduction to College Mathematics
  • If you're interested in an internship with NASA, see this link: NASA Internships

To Learn More

To learn more about classical mechanics, I suggest:
  • An Introduction to Advanced Dynamics by S.W. McCuskey (Addison-Wy clear and readable intermediate text, at about the college junior level.
  • Mechanics (3rd ed.) by Keith R. Symon. Another standard junior-level intermediate mechanics text.
  • Classical Mechanics by Herbert Goldstein (3rd ed.) (Addison-Wesley, 2001). The standard graduate-level text on advanced mechanics.

For some fun physics-related reading for the winter break, I suggest:
  • The Science of Interstellar by Kip Thorne and Christopher Nolan. Thorne is a well-known physicist who was involved in making the movie Interstellar from its beginning. In this book he and film director Nolan describe the physics shown in the movie.
  • Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku. A noted physicist discusses the possibility of time travel, force fields, invisibility cloaks, transporters, etc.
  • The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean. A very entertaining collection of stories surrounding the periodic table of the elements.
  • Mr. Tompkins in Paperback (and an updated version, The New World of Mr. Tompkins) by George Gamow. A famous Russian physicist wrote these stories of a world in which the speed of light is just 30 mph so relativistic effects are visible, and more stories of a world where Planck's constant is so large that quantum effects are visible.

Here's an interesting article on the physics of skipping stones from Physics Today: Water-Skipping Stones and Spheres

Physics News

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Contact Information

Dr. David G. Simpson:

Webmaster: Dr. David G. Simpson
Page last updated: December 10, 2024.