SOFTWAREHere is some computer and calculator software you may find useful.
Calculator ProgramsCalculator Models
Programs Available for Each Model
Linear Regression
Projectile MotionComputer program PROJECTL.F90 will compute the launch angle needed to hit a target at coordinates (x,y). The program (written in Fortran-90) uses Newton's method to solve iteratively for the launch angle.
Reverse Polish Notation CalculatorsReverse Polish Notation (RPN) is an efficient, stack-based method for operating an electronic calculator. Most Hewlett-Packard calculators (e.g. HP-35s and HP-50g) use RPN, as do a few programming languages like Forth. With a little practice, you'll find that RPN is much easier, faster, and less error-prone than the algebraic logic that comes built in to most calculators.Besides buying a Hewlett-Packard calculator, here are some other options if you'd like to try RPN:
Contact InformationDr. David G. Simpson:![]() |